The Star Trek Economy Is Real, And We Could Implement It Today!

The Star Trek Economy Is Real, And We Could Implement It Today!

A Resource-Based Economy Is A Basis For the Future We See In The Star Trek Franchise.

Imagine a centralized, post-scarcity, resource-based economy where money is a dead currency; the one common factor in every hardship felt by Earth’s citizens.
It’s not science fiction, it’s science fact, and we could easily implement it today if we could educate the general public on the benefits of “The Star Trek Economy.”

“Our society cannot be maintained by this type of incompetency.”

~Jacue Fresco, The Venus Project

“The economics of the future are somewhat different, you see, money doesn’t exist in the 24th century. The acquisition of wealth is no longer the driving force in our lives.”
This quote from Captain Picard in “Star Trek: First Contact” hit many of us in a profound way, some of us were already aware of the possibilities of a planet free from the horrors of capitalism, while others were experiencing an epiphany of sorts.

A resource-based economy would utilize existing resources from the land and sea, physical equipment, industrial plants, etc. to enhance the lives of the total population. In an economy based on resources rather than money, we could easily produce all of the necessities of life and provide a high standard of living for all.
With RBE, every single heartbeat on the planet could live as the wealthy do today, no matter their station, minority, or geographical location.
The very existence of money is the catalyst for nearly every problem we face, including much you might not consider at first, but a shallow dive into the facts will inevitably lead you to the truth.
Racism, xenophobia, homophobia and transphobia, bigotry, misogyny, much of this would either wain dramatically or completely disappear from society as a whole as they they are merely distractions from the ridiculously powerful in order to keep us focused on fighting each other, in an effort to allow them to continue raping the planet and the inhabitants of its natural resources, time, and life’s blood.

The age old “Left versus Right” battle is a fallacy, an orchestrated facade meant to oppress, placate, and lull us into complacency. In Star Trek, these problems seem “light years away,” and rightfully so.

Captain Jean-Luc Picard: This is the 24th century. Material needs no longer exist.

Ralph Offenhouse: Then what’s the challenge?

Captain Jean-Luc Picard: The challenge, Mr. Offenhouse, is to improve yourself. To enrich yourself. Enjoy it.”

~Star Trek: The Next Generation, The Neutral Zone

In a resource-based economy, all of the world’s resources are held as the common heritage of all of Earth’s people, thus eventually outgrowing the need for the artificial boundaries that separate people. This is the unifying imperative.
Many people believe that there is too much technology in the world today, and that technology is the major cause of our environmental pollution. This is not the case; the problems stem directly from unchecked capitalism and the lobbied corporation’s abilities to grow beyond what the planet can withstand.

“Work in the Federation is not a matter of compulsion or survival. Federation citizens need not perform tasks or exercise professions that do not suit their inclinations just so that they can afford to put food on the table and enjoy the respect of their peers. … What makes the Federation so appealing … It is the nature and meaning of work. It is almost a paradox to state it this way, but in a society where nothing is scarce and consequently where work is no longer a prerequisite for survival, finding good reasons to work becomes paramount, the defining existential question that everyone has to ask themselves. Why work at all if it’s not necessary? Because learning, making, and sharing is what makes life in the Federation worth living. Work, no longer a necessary burden, is the glue that holds the Federation together. It is the social bond and the social contract that impart substance and significance to life.”

― Manu Saadia, Trekonomics: The Economics of Star Trek

In closing, hold hope in your heart that a better, more inclusive and empathetic future is possible. With a resource-based economy, a Star Trek economy, our evolution is assured… and we will take our place among the stars.


Jenna Coleman Steps out of The TARDIS, Officially Leaving Doctor Who

Jenna Coleman is Leaving Doctor Who

Friday 18 September 2015, 08:55

The Doctor Who Team

It’s been officially confirmed that Jenna Coleman, who plays Clara Oswald, will leave Doctor Who during the new series which starts tomorrow, Saturday 19 September.

However, it’s not been revealed exactly when Clara leaves and the question many are already asking is how will she part company with the Doctor?

Jenna Coleman made her Doctor Who debut on 1 September, 2012 as Oswin Oswald in Asylum of the Daleks. She returned on Christmas Day of that year, playing Clara and remained with the Eleventh Doctor from the following episode, The Bells of Saint John, onwards. She stayed on board the TARDIS for all of Peter Capaldi’s episodes to date and after filming for the last series finished, Peter commented, ‘Jenna has been absolutely brilliant. I think she’s wonderful in the show, and she’s my favourite companion.’

See the full story below at:

Clara’s best moments!
What’s happening with the Doctor and Clara in the new series?
Why Clara has the BEST life!

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Posted by on September 18, 2015 in Nyrhalahotep


Jessica Chastain in talks for Ridley Scott sci-fi drama The Martian – Movies News – Digital Spy

The Ridley Scott-directed film stars Matt Damon as NASA astronaut Mark Watney, stranded on Mars after his crewmates are forced to evacuate and travel back to Earth.

71st annual Golden Globe Awards: Jessica Chastain

The Zero Dark Thirty actress and Bridesmaids star Kristen Wiig are currently in talks to appear in the intergalactic drama, reports Variety. Drew Goddard has written the screenplay for the film.Filming will begin in November, with Jordan and Bucharest scouted as potential locations for shooting. Chastain recently criticized Marvel and Hollywood in general for not giving Scarlett Johansson’s popular Avengers character Black Widow her own solo movie.

As many of my fans know, Redheads are my kryptonite. So I’m looking forward to seeing Jessica in this new Sci-Fi film alongside Damon and Wiig! Check out the trailer below, and be sure to visit our friends at Digital Spy! ~Nyrhalahotep


via Jessica Chastain in talks for Ridley Scott sci-fi drama The Martian – Movies News – Digital Spy.

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Posted by on September 4, 2014 in Movies, Nyrhalahotep, Sci Fi, Science Fiction


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Watch: James Cooper’s ‘Interview With a Time Traveler’ Sci-Fi Short |

Interview With a Time TravelerWatch: James Cooper’s ‘Interview With a Time Traveler’ Sci-Fi Short by Alex Billington September 4, 2014 Source: Vimeo “Why must everything that is broken be fixed?” This might just be a must watch, but I don’t want to get too excited.

While we often feature sci-fi short films that have extravagant CG visuals, this one is all about the dialogue. Titled simply Interview With a Time Traveler, from director James Cooper, it is exactly that — an interview with a time traveler, and it’s very mysterious and compelling.

via Watch: James Cooper’s ‘Interview With a Time Traveler’ Sci-Fi Short |

Let me know in the comments what you think, Faithful Followers! ~Nyrhalahotep

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Posted by on September 4, 2014 in Doctor Who


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Finally! #Stargate coming back to life with film trilogy reboot! | Blastr

Finally! Stargate coming back to life with film trilogy reboot!

Trent Moore Thursday, September 5, 2013 – 4:14pm

A whole lot of sci-fi fans have been bummed ever since the most recent Stargate series, Universe, went off the air a few years ago. Well, we have some good news: The franchise is coming back to the big screen.

But it won’t be a continuation of Stargate SG-1, Atlantis or Universe. Heck, it won’t even be connected to the original 1994 film that started it all. Get ready for a reboot.

Director Roland Emmerich has revealed that he is prepping a trilogy of new Stargate films meant to reboot the franchise. Originally Emmerich had envisioned Stargate as the first part of a trilogy — but MGM opted to make Stargate SG-1 instead, which ran for a decade and led to the two additional TV spinoffs.

Now that the franchise has been dormant a few years, Emmerich decided it was time to come back and give it another shot. Though the rebooted trilogy could borrow from some of his original plans, Emmerich was quick to point out that the new films will not be connected to the original Stargate film, noting “the actors look totally different … it would not work.”

The films will almost certainly not connect to the SG-1 universe, either, since Emmerich has never really been a huge fan of the small-screen version of the franchise. To this day, he maintains it is not a “canon” continuation from his film.

Here’s what he told Digital Spy:

“We went to MGM, who has the rights, and proposed to them to do a sequel, but as a reboot… and reboot it as a movie and then do three parts. Pretty soon we’ll have to look for a writer and start.”

via Finally! Stargate coming back to life with film trilogy reboot | Blastr.


Micro Book Review: “No Pandas” by Stephen Dunkley

I found Stephen’s writing style refreshing and akin to one of my personal all time favorite authors. Reading very much like Douglas Adam’s work, No Panda’s has a style of it’s own, wrapped up in a truly unique story line.
Angels, Dragons, Manticore and Dryads… a world within a World. 

Below is an except from the book:


There was a problem with the dodos.

The coelacanth had been great. They were one of the major success stories of the Endangered Creatures Programme. The last school of them in the wild had been captured and shipped to the breeding tanks at the zoo, and after many years of intensive care they were able to be released back into the wild. One by one, very carefully, in areas near deep water so as not to raise any suspicions, so that when the local fishermen might happen to catch the odd one or two and the so-called experts on them were jetted out, then they would be able to take one look at the deep water and proclaim that the species was never really extinct, but merely hiding. Yes, that was it, they were hiding, deep down. Very deep water that, you know. Hiding. Yes. They’d swum down really deep under the sea and stayed there. Because that made far more sense than admitting that someone who claimed to be an expert in an extinct species, who had never seen a real one to study but had had to make educated guesses from fossilized corpses, was wrong.

Now the species, once thought to be extinct, was again making its mark on the planet. Once more, coelacanth were starting to become a regular sight, tangled up in fishermen’s nets, gasping for air and slowly suffocating for the cameras.

The dodos, however, were a problem.

It took much trial and error to breed coelacanth. They weren’t much for ‘getting it on’, as it were. They weren’t much for getting off the tank bed to do anything at all, in fact. All they seemed to want to do all day was lounge around watching the world go by. Not all that unlike some of the humans really. Wake up, slob around for a bit, have breakfast, a bit more slobbing, a spot of lunch, an afternoon nap, some more slobbing, and then supper and sleep. Yes, very much like the humans really.

But after intensive research and note-taking, the keepers were eventually able to get them to breed in captivity. The coelacanth that is, not the humans. That was still against the rules.

The dodos were, in fact, a major problem.

“We’ve had a new arrival for the manticore, bringing us back up to twenty-three in London now.”

Jerry hated these weekly reports, but what with one thing and another, the Programme was now too large for hands-on management by anything less than a dedicated team of thirty or so senior keepers. The section heads were arranged in his office, finishing off their by now lukewarm drinks and not wanting to be the one to take the last biscuit. The meetings were one of those necessities that had to be dealt with. The Programme now had over two hundred staff from more than ten different species, caring for a further forty species. Then there were the outreach projects, the veterinary projects, and the whole area of marketing and publicity to deal with. Not to promote the Programme; quite the opposite in fact. It all added up to too much to do on the old ad-hoc basis of mentioning things in passing. The meetings had to be formal, but surely they didn’t have to be such a chore?

“Which brings us once more to the dodos,” the head of avians continued.

“Christ, how many are there now?”

“Nineteen thousand, four hundred and eighty-six.”

The problem was, the dodos wouldn’t stop breeding.

Stephen is an active member for the h2g2 community. His wife, who is a professional editor, edited the book. You can use the link below to see more.

via No Pandas : Dodos.

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Posted by on November 23, 2013 in Bryan Hardbarger, Nyrhalahotep


Assault or Attrition | By Blake Northcott

Follow-Up to Kickstarter’s Most-Funded Fiction Book of 2013 Bolstered by Marvel, DC and Image Artists

TORONTO / October 18, 2013 / Canadian author Blake Northcott launched her second Kickstarter campaign for the novel Assault or Attrition – a sci-fi superhero tale set in a dystopian future, featuring art and character designs by Marvel, DC and Image artists.

Northcott’s previous novel Arena Mode – which followed the same novel/art book format – is the most-funded project in Kickstarter’s ‘Publishing: Fiction’ category this year (as of October, 2013).

“I wanted to blur the line a little between novels and graphic novels,” says Northcott. “The concept of flipping to the back and seeing character illustrations is something that really excited me. I’d seen similar concepts in children’s and young adult books, but never anything targeting a more mature audience.”

Assault or Attrition contributors to date include:

Steve McNiven (Guardians of the Galaxy, Civil War, Uncanny Avengers – Nov. 2013)
Dave Johnson (Superman: Red Son, Deadpool, Punisher, 100 Bullets)
Dan Panosian (Spawn, X-Men, John Tiffany)
Mark McKenna (Star Wars: Old Republic, Justice League, Combat Jacks)
John ‘Roc’ Upchurch (Rat Queens, Vescell)
Derek Laufman (World of Warcraft: Pearl of Pandaria, Marvel vs. Capcom)

As well as special guest artists Comic Book Girl 19 (YouTube’s Comic Book Girl 19 Show), Natasha Allergi (Adventure Time) and John Broglia (Denali, Unmasked, Atomic Robo Real Science Adventures).

“Arena Mode” currently tops Kickstarter’s Publishing: Fiction category in 2013, with $35,353 in pledges, and 948 backers.

The Toronto-based writer has been self-publishing since 2011, and has received personal endorsements from Mark Millar (Kick-Ass, Wanted) as well as Stan Lee Comikaze CEO and Founder, Regina Carpinelli. Blake is also a regular contributor to CBS Man Cave Daily, writing about comic books and pop culture.

Blake’s debut novel – Vs. Reality – was originally written in 2009 as a script for a four-issue comic book series. After a year-long delay the funding fell through, so she converted her script into a full-length book, publishing it herself for the Amazon Kindle and other digital readers in July of 2011.

By October of 2011 Vs. Reality had reached #1 on Amazon U.K. in two different categories (‘Graphic Novels/Science Fiction’, and ‘Graphic Novels/Superheroes’), and she had amassed a fan following of more than 20,000 Twitter followers in less than a year.

In June of 2012 she released the sequel to Vs. Reality – Relapse – which appeared at #1 in the US, the UK and France in several Amazon Kindle categories. It was also the #1 Amazon Hot New Release in the same month.

For All Media Inquiries Please Contact:
Sean Dyer Marketing & PR Coordinator
1+ 647.269.3427 (Toronto, Canada)

Blake Northcott Official Homepage –
Assault or Attrition Kickstarter Page –
The Original Arena Mode Kickstarter Page
Blake’s work on CBS Man Cave Daily
Blake on Facebook
Blake on Twitter
Blake on Instagram

via Assault or Attrition | By Blake Northcott.


Marvels Agents of SHIELD: 10 teasers about Joss Whedons comic hit – Agents of SHIELD News – TV – Digital Spy

Marvel’s ‘Agents of SHIELD’: 10 teasers about Joss Whedon’s comic hit

Published Tuesday, Sep 24 2013, 9:41am EDT  |  By   
It’s the TV event that comic book fans have been waiting for – Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD premieres tonight (September 24) on ABC in the US, with Channel 4 giving the series its UK debut on Friday (September 27) at 8pm.

But are you eager for a few tasty teasers from the show’s blockbuster pilot episode – co-written by Avengers director Joss Whedon? Then dig in below…

'Marvel's Agents of SHIELD' poster


Marvel’s ‘Agents of SHIELD’

1. Let’s get this out of the way – Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD is fantastic. Like The Avengers, it’s a near-perfect blend of Marvel action and Whedon wit.

2. The SHIELD pilot wraps up some loose ends from one of Marvel’s big-screen blockbusters.

3. Coulson (Clark Gregg) loves dark corners…

4. One veteran from the Whedonverse – Firefly‘s Ron Glass – pops up in a guest role.

5. Coulson lives – but how? Maria Hill (Cobie Smulders) might be holding all the cards.

6. That mysterious character played by J August Richards? Not Luke Cage!

7. Shannon Lucio – recently cast on Supernatural – plays a young woman who has a big impact on the life of Richards’s character.

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Marvels Agents of SHIELD: 10 teasers about Joss Whedons comic hit – Agents of SHIELD News – TV – Digital Spy.


Warner Bros. and J.K. Rowling Team Up for Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Film Series! –

Warner Bros. and J.K. Rowling Team Up for Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Film Series!


Source: Warner Bros. Pictures

September 12, 2013

Warner Bros. Entertainment today announced an expanded creative partnership with world-renowned, best-selling author J.K. Rowling. At the center of the partnership is a new film series from Rowling’s world of witches and wizards, inspired by Harry Potter’s Hogwarts textbook “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them” and the adventures of the book’s fictitious author, Newt Scamander. The announcement was made by Kevin Tsujihara, Chief Executive Officer, Warner Bros. Entertainment.

“Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them” will be an original story and will mark Rowling’s screenwriting debut. It is planned as the first picture in a new film series. Set in the wizarding world, the story will feature magical creatures and characters, some of which will be familiar to devoted Harry Potter fans.

“It all started when Warner Bros. came to me with the suggestion of turning ‘Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them’ into a film,” said Rowling. “I thought it was a fun idea, but the idea of seeing Newt Scamander, the supposed author of ‘Fantastic Beasts,’ realized by another writer was difficult. Having lived for so long in my fictional universe, I feel very protective of it and I already knew a lot about Newt. As hard-core Harry Potter fans will know, I liked him so much that I even married his grandson, Rolf, to one of my favourite characters from the Harry Potter series, Luna Lovegood.

As I considered Warners’ proposal, an idea took shape that I couldn’t dislodge. That is how I ended up pitching my own idea for a film to Warner Bros.

Although it will be set in the worldwide community of witches and wizards where I was so happy for seventeen years, ‘Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them’ is neither a prequel nor a sequel to the Harry Potter series, but an extension of the wizarding world. The laws and customs of the hidden magical society will be familiar to anyone who has read the Harry Potter books or seen the films, but Newt’s story will start in New York, seventy years before Harry’s gets underway.

I particularly want to thank Kevin Tsujihara of Warner Bros. for his support in this project, which would not have happened without him. I always said that I would only revisit the wizarding world if I had an idea that I was really excited about and this is it.”

“We are incredibly honored that Jo has chosen to partner with Warner Bros. on this exciting new exploration of the world of wizardry which has been tremendously successful across all of our businesses,” said Tsujihara. “She is an extraordinary writer, who ignited a reading revolution around the world, which then became an unprecedented film phenomenon. We know that audiences will be as excited as we are to see what her brilliant and boundless imagination conjures up for us.”

via Warner Bros. and J.K. Rowling Team Up for Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Film Series! –


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Sundance Channel Acquires Zombie Film “The Returned.”


Series to Premiere on Sundance Channel on Halloween at 9PM ET/PT


"Les Revenants" from the eight-part French series which the US broadcast is based.

“Les Revenants” from the eight-part French series which the US broadcast is based.


New York – September 10, 2013  Sundance Channel announced today that it has acquired US broadcast rights to the supernatural drama “The Returned” from Music Box Films.

The eight-part French series distributed by Zodiak Rights was created by Fabrice Gobert and is based on the feature film “Les Revenants” by Robin Campillo.  It will premiere on Sundance Channel on Halloween, Thursday, October 31st at 9PM ET/PT. It will air every Thursday night at 9PM.

The critically received series was a smash hit for France’s Canal+ and the UK’s Channel 4. The New York Times recently profiled outstanding foreign drama series and pronounced it “fresh and unexpected.” The Independent wrote “’The Returned” is actually one of the greatest, creepiest, most compelling shows brought to TV screens in 2013,” and The Daily Telegraph commented, “Probably the most stylish thing you’ll see on TV this year.

“We decided to take zombies to a new and utterly original level— we made them French!” stated Sarah Barnett, President of Sundance Channel. “‘The Returned’ is smart entertainment that shocks and entertains at every turn. We think our audience will love how this series grounds the supernatural in deeply human emotions.”

In an idyllic French mountain town, a seemingly random collection of people find themselves in a state of confusion as they attempt to return to their homes. What they don’t know yet is that they have been dead for several years, and no one is expecting them back. As they struggle to reintegrate with their families and past lovers, buried secrets emerge and new mysteries develop as they grapple with a miraculous and sinister new reality.  But it seems they are not the only ones to have returned from the dead. Their arrival coincides with a series of gruesome murders which bear a chilling resemblance to the work of a serial killer from the past. The series was produced by Caroline Benjo, Jimmy Desmarais and Carole Scotta from Haut et Court.

“‘The Returned’ epitomizes the very best of the crop of outstanding international television productions finding its way onto US screens,” says William Schopf, President of Music Box Films. “We couldn’t be more excited about working with our partners at the Sundance Channel to introduce this extraordinary series to American audiences.”

“We are absolutely thrilled to bring this phenomenal series to the North American audience”, says Marc Nowak, General Manager Zodiak Rights (Paris). “This is a sign the U.S. TV market is opening up to French drama and that the independent production and distribution companies need to continue to innovate and create original fiction to succeed internationally.”

“We are proud that Sundance Channel chose ‘The Returned’ for their audience,” says Caroline Benjo, Haut et Court producer. “Sundance Channel represents a landmark in independent programming, airing bold and innovative TV projects from all over the world. We couldn’t have dreamt being in better hands.”

Following on the heels of Emmy®-nominated “Top of the Lake” and critically acclaimed original scripted series “Rectify,” “The Returned” marks a continued commitment by Sundance Channel to offer daring original entertainment. This series precedes the debut of the network’s second fully owned original scripted series, “The Red Road,” in 2014. The channel will also premiere a second season of the critically-acclaimed “Rectify,” as well as the original mini-series “The Honourable Woman,” starring Maggie Gyllenhaal and co-produced with BBC Worldwide.


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